

How to Cite
Hoyos Torres, J. M. (2022). Methodological guidelines for project-based teaching in rural educational contexts. Oratores Journal, (15), 85–105. https://doi.org/10.37594/oratores.n15.514
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Rural education poses multiple educational challenges according to its contextual characteristics and the resources available in the area, which means that teachers have to resort to multiple strategies to promote quality and contextualised teaching. In this task, project-based learning becomes a possibility to make teaching more dynamic and to fulfil the task of educating students integrally, responding to the demands of the modern world and the needs of the rural context. Therefore, this article shows the results of the research that aims to establish methodological guidelines for teaching by projects in rural educational contexts in the municipality of Montelibano-Córdoba. For this, it was based on an interpretative paradigm and a mixed type of research, applying semi-structured interviews, surveys and documentary analysis as data collection techniques. The results showed that project-based teaching involves considering the problem situation to be solved and the role of each of the students involved in the project, as well as the benefits of developing the project. It was concluded that the formative projects aim to optimise the learning processes from the individual and group point of view, based on the interrelation between the thematic contents contained in the academic curriculum and the resolution of problems present in the daily life of the environments in which the students develop.



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