Revista ORATORES 12


How to Cite
Coronado, M. (2020). The Scientific competences and multiculturality in Colombia of the 21st century. Oratores Journal, (12), 65–78.
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The purpose of this document is to reflect on the subject allusive to scientific competences and multiculturalism, in the Colombia of the XXI century.Through a conceptual theoretical review and a spatial-temporal approach, an analysis of the development of scientific competences in multicultural settings in the country of coffee, coal and emerald is achieved, particularly in the Colombian Caribbean Region. The paper proposes the development of a curriculum that observes the locality but does not stray from the regional and national, as well as that is flexible, holistic, inclusive, among others. Through it, significant experiences will be generated where the student immersed in multicultural classrooms also develop scientific competencies respecting the presabers of these and the research they carry out on their community and context. Reference is made to the professional thinking and knowledge of teachers because it is they who ultimately guide the educational process and the intentionality of them depend on the progress of learners in topics as current as scientific competences and the multiculturalism. At the end of the document some suggestions are made mainly aimed at the qualification of the teacher on the topic of the article and the relevance of innovating in the symbiosis between culture and science.



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