Revista ORATORES 11


How to Cite
González Ortiz, D. A., Padilla Doria, L. A., & Zúñiga Díaz, N. M. (2020). Interdisciplinary and Transdisciplinary research as an emerging trend of the complex system seen from the development of critical thought. Oratores Journal, (11), 63–83.
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In this paper, a tour of knowledge is made, how it is generated and how it can continue to change and enrich itself, it is a process in continuous transformation, so it is necessary to talk about the complexity of this entire cognitive system. Knowledge is something that should serve to improve society, the good of all, but it is so complex to understand everything, it is necessary to look at it from different views, so the importance of observing it from various disciplines, that help and contribute to increase the knowledge for the benefit of humanity; This is how interdisciplinarity is born, in order to objectively see the problems and be able to provide effective solutions to the difficulties that arise. Transdisciplinarity also arises, which: “is a specific form of interdisciplinarity in which, the boundaries between and beyond the disciplines are transcended and knowledge and perspectives from different scientific disciplines, as well as non-scientific sources are integrated” (University of Southampton, 2005). Cited by (Henao C., 2017). At the end of the essay an analysis is made of why universities should look for their own teaching - learning models based on interdisciplinary groups that lead to transdisciplinarity in education. As Sánchez J.R. (2019) "Today, transdisciplinarity is seen as an alternative that seems to move towards a true integration of human knowledge."



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