Revista ORATORES 10


How to Cite
Vega Ochoa, A. D., & Hurtado de Barrera, J. (2020). University training in health: A look from pedagogical practices. Oratores Journal, (10), 84–99.
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In the present article makes a reflection about the teacher training of the university in the health area with emphasis on pedagogical practices, as a need for commitment of the universities that carry out the training of a competent professional in the dimensions of being, knowledge, know how to do and know how to coexist, that allows the future professional to be inserted in the productive sector with capacity to solve problems throughout life. The problem of higher education in Colombia continues to be one of the main topics of discussion in the different academic spaces of this country, so that we continue to think about methods and practices in a disciplinary way, when teaching, therefore, it is necessary to rethink from a critical perspective the pedagogical practices in the academic programs that offer health careers with the purpose of making possible some transformations in the teaching process and from a transdisciplinary conception. In the case of teachers in the health area, although they have mastery of their disciplinary area, they have difficulties to guide competency-based teaching, which requires the teacher to develop the skills aimed at incorporating and complementing pedagogical practices under a system of educational strategies, which not only aim to impart knowledge in a specific area, but also encourage the process of significant teaching and learning.



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