Revista ORATORES 10


How to Cite
Diaz Castellar, A. A. (2020). Analysis of philosophy, pedagogy and epistemology: Towards horizontality in the teacher-student relationship. Oratores Journal, (10), 46–68.
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From the analysis of the defining aspects and paradigms of the concepts philosophy, pedagogy and epistemology and their contextualization in today's society, being fundamental elements in the understanding of the foundations of 21st century education, it is possible to identify emerging paradigms, among they, those referring to classroom practices or to the strategies that teachers apply in the teaching-learning processes. Precisely, in the analysis carried out in this essay it is identified that one of the emerging paradigms that underlies current educational practices is the implicit conception that exists in the teacher and student relationship, where the first one is considered the owner of knowledge or “ enlightened ”and the second, a being devoid of“ light ”that is to say, without knowledge, who should only be willing to learn and receive without discussion the information provided by the teacher. Thus, the identification of this paradigm in educational practices, in relation to philosophy, pedagogy and educational epistemology, should motivate teachers and professionals in the exercise of education to reflect and rethink the teleological character of their own practice from processes and final results, through the systematic and continuity in the metacognitive exercise, with the consequent generation of strategies to guide the educational practice towards the formative horizontality between teacher and student (not as a student), under the premise that both can be learners in the educational process mediated by bilateral communication and thus enhance the teaching-learning process of both. These strategies to foster horizontality in the student teacher relationship are consolidated and strengthened since the creation of epistemological research and debate spaces in institutional academic circles, to forge an institutional culture of epistemological research-action whose relevance is increasingly evident in this trans-complex society



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