Revista ORATORES 9


How to Cite
Aguirre Donadío, R. M. (2019). Development of social skills for university students of high academic potential. Oratores Journal, (9), 58–69.
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If you ever heard about people that hire another one called “expert” to teach them how to be more charismatic, powerfully and efficient with other persons, no matter if the process include classes of how to dress, or speak, or walk or think, you will know that those courses are trend. Specially politicians and artist searched for it. What about if we use the same strategic to teach some university students how to be more confidence, more brave and how to develop all their secrets talents, and moreover, how to increase their relations with other people. The present article is a resume of my written work for obtain the grade of university professor. In it, i am drafting an especial course to help university students whit a high escolar performance but with a terrible social behavior.



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