

How to Cite
Ramírez Almanza, N. J. (2018). Transcendence of lyric as a psycho-spiritual dimension in the life project of educational actants. Oratores Journal, (8), 31–44. https://doi.org/10.37594/oratores.n8.218
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Education is one of the essential elements of the human being and of society, for this reason, the training centers must give constant and timely answers to the whole conglomerate of educational actants; hence the research entitled: Transcendence of the playful as a psycho-spiritual dimension in the life project of educational actants; and which is based on Newson (1986), Cabrera (2009), Flaceiére (1993), Universidad del Norte (2010), Cordero (2010), Jiménez (2007), Beltrán (2002), Medina (2014), Echeverry and Gómez (2009), Paredes (2003), García (2004). The purpose of the inquiry is to analyze the transcendence of the playful as a psycho-spiritual dimension in the life project of educational actants; whose epistemological approach was framed in a qualitative approach, under the methodology focused on a bibliographic review. Arriving at the conclusion that the playful as psychospiritual dimension, will transform the teaching-learning process, since, are the educational actors the protagonists of this process; and in turn as a dimension; since it directs the man to the emotional development and to the personal talents, helping with it to reach his happiness; It is suggested to the teachers at an andragogic level that they design activities, meetings, coexistence, exercises that pursue not only the enjoyment of those acts, but the psychological and spiritual growth of the educational actants.



Cabrera, E. (2009). El Juego Infantil Mediterraneo: Grecia Antigua. Aloma, 39-51.

Cordero, C. (2010). Importancia del Juego y los Juguetes para el desarrollo integral del niño de educación infantil. Autodidacta, 10-20.

Echeverri, J. y. (2009). Lo lúdico como componente de lo pedagógico,la cultura, el juego y la dimensión humana. Pereira: UTP.

Flaceriére, R. (1993). La vida cotidiana en Grecia en el siglo de Pericles. Madrid: Temas de Hoy.

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Medina, G. (20 de Octubre de 2014). Gramática de la ternura. Obtenido de https://docs.google.com/document/d/18Nq4S3fUUQVHST8Rsg264pD8JeYgDG4 fjpw424rd2Hc/edit?pli=1

Newson, J. (1986). Juego y objetos para jugar. Barcelona: CEAC.

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