

How to Cite
Mora Salazar, J. M. (2017). Teaching professional ethics for better work performance. Oratores Journal, (7), 104–121. https://doi.org/10.37594/oratores.n7.212
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This research determines through a descriptive and comparative study the disposition and expectation of the teacher of Educational Institutions of Ibagué to incorporate the ethical dimension in their professional practice to see if it considers among its objectives the growth in the human dimensions, the integral formation of students and themselves with self-reflection as a methodological component in their process of continuous improvement. Subsequently, develops and validates a methodology to promote and incorporate ethical competencies in their professional practice to facilitate the work and analysis of results obtained and classified by categories, to adjust their performance towards positive change, self-criticism, experience and transmission of specific values ​​in the classroom from the compulsory areas contemplated in the Law115. Finally, it contributes to the teacher training programs of the Municipal Education Secretariat in the Institutional Weeks or as a methodological self-evaluation proposal.



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