

How to Cite
Soler Gómez, P. C., & Zárate Cabrera, Z. (2024). Complexity and interdiscipline in the construction of a contemporary scientific psychology. Oratores Journal, 1(20), 138–145. https://doi.org/10.37594/oratores.n20.1427
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This essay puts forward an analysis of the evolution and transformation of psychology as a science and the scientific knowledge in general have suffered due to the emergence of the paradigm of complexity, putting into question the traditional approaches that from an unidisciplinary logic, the scientific explanations of problems and elements of reality have historically offered, and that without doing discredit to them have been relegated to the margin of the analysis of those phenomena whose nature is composed of a set of elements interdefinable only by their own interaction within the system, being necessary am interdisciplinary vision of science that responds to the characteristics and demands of these complex systems, that are only analyzable through a holistic logic that is inclusive of different theoretical, methodological and paradigmatical points of view. This essay presents, to begin with, the emergence of systemism as base of the logic of a complex reality, presenting its origins on the theory of systems, cybernetics and the theory of information, in order to give way to the description of Piaget’s and Ausubel’s postures derived from systemism and inscribed in the cognitive tradition, to present the way on how contemporary psychology has delved into the study of complex thought through the questioning of its own methodology for the construction of others corresponding to this new unit of analysis, to in conclusion delve into the description of interdisciplinarity and its differentiation with multidisciplinarity as the way to complex thought analysis of complex data.



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