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Collantes, R., Santos-Murgas, A., & Castro, K. (2024). Distribution range of the Lichen Grasshopper Markia Hystrix (Westwood, 1844) (orthoptera: tettigoniidae) in Panamá. Oratores Journal, 1(20), 103–111. https://doi.org/10.37594/oratores.n20.1241
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The Order Orthoptera includes crickets, locusts, and grasshoppers, of which the Family Tettigoniidae is characterized by having species that blend in with their environment by simulating branches, leaves, or other plant structures. In Volcán, Tierras Altas district, Chiriquí, Panama, an insect with thorns and slimy green color was found in a residence, so the aim of the study was to identify this species and update its known distribution range in the country. For this, the specimen was collected and kept alive for observation in a plastic container with ventilation. Specialized literature was consulted and specimens from the reference collection of the Museo de Invertebrados G. B. Fairchild, Universidad de Panama (MIUP) were reviewed; in addition to verifying records of previous samples. According to the results, the species corresponds to Markia hystrix (Westwood, 1844) (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae: Phaneropterinae); this being a new report for the Chiriquí province, since in the revised material of the MIUP, there are specimens obtained from Santa Clara – Renacimiento and in the Fortuna Forest Reserve – Gualaca. The insect has also been previously found in other regions of the country, such as the Palo Seco Protected Forest – Ngäbe-Buglé Comarca, El Copé and Cerro Turega – Coclé, Campana –Panamá Oeste and Cerro Azul – Panama; being frequent to find it at altitudes between 300 and 1800 m asl. Due to its peculiar appearance, it blends in with the lichen Usnea hirta (L.) Weber ex F.H. Wigg. (Lecanorales: Parmeliaceae) that grow on the bark of trees, which is why it is commonly called the lichen grasshopper. In conclusion, the insect found in Volcán corresponds to Markia hystrix and the known distribution range for Panama is medium and high elevations located in the provinces of Panama, Panama Oeste, Coclé, Chiriquí and Ngäbe-Buglé Comarca.



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