

How to Cite
Llivipuma Pasato, A. R. (2023). TIC teaching competencies for social sciences education of high school students. Oratores Journal, (19), 203–216. https://doi.org/10.37594/oratores.n19.1185
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ICT competencies have become an imperative in today's educational context, teachers must develop skills and knowledge that enable them to take advantage of the possibilities of digital technologies in the classroom. In addition, it invites to explore how digital competencies are transforming the teaching profession and promoting more effective learning in the digital era. In that order, they allow to improve the quality of teaching, promote the active participation of students, the preparation to face the challenges and opportunities of the digital era by developing search skills, evaluation, responsible uses of online information tending to build a new society of changes and transformations in the different educational, social, cultural, economic, etc. areas. For the development of this topic, a study of different documents will be carried out, which will allow the analysis of relevant information regarding ICT teaching competences, on the other hand, the common methods used in the research will be analyzed, which will allow obtaining a more complete image of technological competences in the pedagogical practice. It is inferred that the impact of the effective integration of ICT focused on teaching competencies generates teaching and learning quality, promoting active participation and keeping updated in the global context, and integrated to a knowledge society. In conclusion, ICT teaching competencies allow the rethinking of education in the 21st century, not only in the mastery of tools, but also for the creation and production of content according to the needs. Finally, it is the responsibility of the educational administration to ensure that teachers have the necessary technological skills to use ICT effectively.



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