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Saleme Negrete, Y. (2017). Estado del arte de los enfoques didácticos de lectoescritura institucionalizados como prácticas curriculares en Colombia entre los años 1950 a 2011. Oratores Journal, (5), 143–170. https://doi.org/10.37594/oratores.n5.115
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This study on reading in the time frame 1950 to the present, on approaches to reading institutionalized as curricular practices in Colombia, arises from research, development, entitled "Comparative study of the teaching of reading and writing used by teachers first basic cycle and its relationship to the results of the SABER 3rd Test from the municipalities of Momil and Ciénaga de Oro ". The purpose is to make a state of the art on reading and writing in Colombia. Therefore, there will be a transit through the history of education in the country; likewise the political, social and cultural patterns are manifested in this analysis as context that influence and regulate teaching practices. Also, this paper presents several paragraphs, in which coherent approach is intended to account for the master position against government policy adopted in this field. It is relevant to know the attitude and position and pedagogical style that took the teacher during the early years of the twentieth century and that today characterize him. It is relevant to know the attitude and position and pedagogical style that took the teacher during the early years of the twentieth century and which now characterize him. Finally, the guidelines of international organizations is presented with respect to communication skills, and how are you provisions governing the teaching of teaching reading and writing in the country. This closing point, leads to rethink teaching these skills, their relevance, how significant are these policies and the impact they have had on the reader and student performance unscriptural.



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