

How to Cite
Tamayo Figueroa, M. E. (2017). A reflection on the profile of university teachers in current society. Oratores Journal, (5), 86–104. https://doi.org/10.37594/oratores.n5.112
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There are diverse conceptions of the university teacher profile, but the most widespread through the work of the teacher are three: first, the one which is considered by many as a profile on the way to decline (the traditional profile), this ideal of the university teacher emerged from the statements of John Amos Comenius and San Ignacio Loyola, who based discipline as a key component in education, where the teacher is shown as the owner of knowledge, who says the last word in the classroom and that is valued by his wisdom. The second one is the so-called profile of competencies. Among its main exponents emerged Perrenoud who believes that the current teacher should meet a set of skills that allow him/her to perform with complete suitability and fully comply with the commission that society has made, in order to fulfill the mission to train competent professionals. Perrenoud and other supporters of this view, present different arguments about how should be the "competent" teacher. Finally, the Brazilian Paulo Freire, conceives the teaching practice as a love and hope, liberating and purely human labor, which requires a teacher who is conceived as part of the problems society is facing, instead of someone away from them. He goes on to say that the teacher should think and feel like his students, avoiding the idea of being the owner of knowledge because he knows that knowledge is built on his daily labor with the individuals whom he/she interacts, the students. Therefore, the question that arises by the development of this article is: What is the profile that best suits the needs of today's society, not intended this society only from the economic and social requirements, but, from the ethical, solidarity and humanistic needs which are afflicting society nowadays.



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