

How to Cite
Pinzón Herrera, F. (2017). Elements involved in the education task. Oratores Journal, (5), 49–68. https://doi.org/10.37594/oratores.n5.110
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The aim of this paper is to present an approach to the concept of education and take a look at pedagogy, teaching, curriculum, assessment and use of Information Technology and Communication (ICT) as components of the educational system and how as listed in the current education in search of skills development and improvement of educational quality. In this sense, takes up approaches of different authors to refer to education as a right of everyone, which is aimed at the process of socialization of human beings, pedagogy as the art of driving the child, as an activity that facilitates the accommodation of individual to his environment, to teaching as a teaching method that indicates what should be done in education, should how to proceed to achieve learning, the curriculum as a means of planning and educational projection that allows the scope of proposed goals and achieving results expected in the educational process, evaluation as a process that plays a critical role,understanding of reality to understanding strengths and weaknesses of the education system for the benefit of continuous improvement and the use of ICT as a teaching strategy that facilitates the process - learning in the classroom. It ends with some aspects by way of reflection on the need for educational proposals that will bring together pedagogy, didactics, curriculum, evaluation and use of ICT as components of the educational system for the benefit of improving the teaching — learning process.



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