

How to Cite
Díaz González, L. E. (2017). El perfil del trabajador social en la construcción de paz desde una cultura ambiental. Oratores Journal, (5), 171–192. https://doi.org/10.37594/oratores.n5.103
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This essays is part of two directions: On one hand from the socio-environmental and the other from the profile of the social worker and comes from professional and personal motivation, which has been crucial to consider that environmental problems highlighted in our environment, must be addressed taking into account the sociocultural characteristics of each population, in order to generate possible solutions in a contextualized way, being necessary to consider in addition to the causes and consequences of environmental conflicts for building peace and survival of all living beings; how it is approached from Social Worker intervention, taking its peak in development plans, land use planning and public policy. This situation demands from the educational body and specially from the university, innovation in the curriculum, with content that responds to the environmental problems, to strengthen the professional intervention and achieve in the public, emotions and commitments that addresses changes of behavior, represented in practices of solidarity and tolerance, in the building of piece and a friendly culture to the environment; leading to a reflection, commitment and participation in self-education in values for peaceful coexistence in new practices and attitudes that guarantee habits of caring for the habitat in general and specifically in management, consumption and use of natural resources, water, soil, economic production systems, among others. Is the result of an investigation of bibliographic review, of qualitative approach, having as principal intention promote the analysis of professionals to considerate the necessity of a new professional profile to social work, in function of professional competences, requirements and challenges for the social transformation through the creation of an environmentally sustainable culture of peace in Colombia.



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