

How to Cite
Romero Ramírez, H. A., Taco Vega, J. M., & Chuquimarca Chuquimarca, R. (2022). Knowledge and nutritional factors of osteoporosis in households from different provinces of Ecuador. Saluta, (6), 10–15. https://doi.org/10.37594/saluta.v1i6.736
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Osteoporosis represents one of the most prominent pathologies for the skeletal system determined mainly by a decrease in bone mass leading to the detriment of the micro-architecture of bone tissue. The objective of this research is to analyze the level of knowledge that people have about osteoporosis and its nutritional factors, for which a population of 359 people between men and women was extracted, taking into account that the population is small, a sample calculation was not made and concluding that dietary intake is one of the main factors that induces osteoporosis.



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