

How to Cite
Arana Medina, C. M., García Peña J. J., Gil Taborda, O. L., & Cárdenas Niño, L. (2024). Generic competencies from a cognitive theoretical framework: Towards their measurement in the organization. Saluta, (9), 49–64. https://doi.org/10.37594/saluta.v1i9.1244
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This reflection article highlights the importance of identifying Generic competencies at the organizational level, through instruments (standardized tests) that report objectivity, validity and reliability. This reflection is carried out taking into account the results of a research process that takes place during the years 2020 and 2022, in which an instrument is built based on the logic of the paradigm of cognitive-behavioral psychology. During the construction of the instrument, it was necessary to operationalize the construct of competencies, since as a concept, it is very broadly defined, but also applied to various areas of knowledge, including pedagogy, administration, and psychology. Thus, when the measurement of organizational transversal competences is proposed, the need and importance of having standardized tests for this purpose was evidenced throughout the process, given that within the human talent management processes, specifically in the selection process, the identification of competencies play a fundamental, if not central, role.



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