

How to Cite
Suncín, M. Ángel. (2023). Prevention of pathologies and relevance of the anatomical structures in the execution of musical instruments, case: music and art foundation of Panama. Saluta, (8), 44–57. https://doi.org/10.37594/saluta.v1i8.1188
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Many anatomical structures are involved during musical performance. From breathing, whose physiology involves anatomical structures such as the lungs, together with the respiratory muscles; the maxillofacial structures such as the temporomandibular articulation, together with the chewing muscles, the tongue and the orbicularis of the mouth; the upper members, their joints and musculature; and, finally, the spine and the muscles of the dorsum.  As a whole, these structures are the perfect gear that allows musical interpretation; however, they represent at the same time the target to be victims of pathologies associated with the excessive use of any of them. Physiotherapeutically, knowing these pathologies will allow us to develop protocols for the prevention and care of injuries, rehabilitation and maintenance of the state of health of the structures involved.  This research is currently in the execution period, however, after the literature review, and a grosso modo observation of the musicians at the moment of performance, we can say that there is activity of the respiratory muscles, diaphragm, orbicularis of the mouth muscle, temporomandibular articulation, joints and muscles of the upper member and of the dorsum muscles, and also of the spine. In conclusion, all these structures are exposed to injuries due to fatigue or muscular overload.



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