Revista Oratores - No. 2 - Diciembre de 2014


How to Cite
Valdés Agrazal, J. (2017). La importancia de la educación inicial. Oratores Journal, (2), 89–100.
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Since the sixteenth century, many notable teachers were precursors and stressed the importance of educating young and small at early ages in relation to its further development.
At this time, the mother was considered the first and indispensable teacher of their children.
In others, they can point to the contributions made in the early seventeenth century by J. A. Comenius,
who stressed the role ofthe mother as the initial stage of school education, considering that should occupy the first six years of a child's life.
However, the educational theories in relation to Kindergarten acquired peak in the mid -nineteenth
century from the ideas of Friedrich Froebel. This specialist developed a system of ideas to educate children, which were applied in an institution that he created and called Kindergarten, which translates as kindergarten.
This name was generalized subsequently to similar institutions were established in different parts of the world.
The froebelianos principles highlight the need to stimulate both personal freedom and spontaneity of children, as these attributes are the foundation of creativity. Furthermore, it is considered essential to encourage small to be able to find answers to your questions from exploring their environment.
At the same time that these ideas emerged in Scotland, Robert Owen emphasized the use of external
spaces as places enabled classroom for activities and motivating learning experiences for the children.
Meanwhile, also in the same historical period, Johann Pestalozzi began releasing its proposals for
education for the harmonious development ofthe child, both physically and intellectually and morally. One of his main contributions was the appreciation of the role of the mother as the primary educator of their children during early childhood. At the same time, in Italy, they began to know the work of pedagogues Rosa and CarolinaAgazzi, which basically coincided with the vision ofthe other major world specialists in early childhood education. But they made ??a fundamental contribution in terms ofthe vision ofthe role of the educator of young children.
The educator Maria Montessori has also made significant contributions to children's education, it was the first to consider the importance of educating the intelligence of children with sensorimotor experiences and environments rich in cognitive stimulation.
This view of early education is held in the beliefthat children have a curiosity and a desire for knowledge early.

The cited here are justa few of the pioneers of early childhood education. His ideas, contributions and proposals were revolutionary for its time and somehow still continue today to influence the design of the education of young children.

I want to emphasize that this paper `s main objective is to highlight the importance of early education of children under 6 in the categories of Early Education Formal and no formal.



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