

How to Cite
Cabrera Alba, C. A. (2023). In search of the protection of wetland-type environmental territories: A documentary review. Oratores Journal, (18), 60–73. https://doi.org/10.37594/oratores.n18.895
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The purpose of this article is to describe the environmental protection processes planned by governmental and non-governmental organizations to conserve wetland-type environmental territories. To this end, this document presents, by way of introduction, worldwide actions to face the climate crisis and the environmental damages the planet is facing. Then a classification and subsequent conceptual tour of the existing bodies of water in the world, the problems they face due to the effects of pollution and the strategies that some nations and multinational companies have used to mitigate such impact is made. Therefore, for the development of the study, a qualitative approach and descriptive research method was chosen through documentary review strategies from the international and national levels, as well as contributions from local institutional projects. This documentary review is of utmost importance because it shows the need, on the one hand, to know which are the governmental and non-governmental policies aimed at the protection of water bodies. On the other hand, it invites to empowerment and participation in projects and activities that seek to mitigate the human footprint on the environment. The results of the analysis shows that the main promoter of strategies against environmental deterioration is the United Nations (UN) and its proposal for environmental sustainability through the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), a plan that is joined by some companies and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs). However, some nations with their economic policies put large industries and the overexploitation of natural resources above the good of the community.



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