Revista Oratores - No. 2 - Diciembre de 2014


How to Cite
Pérez Techachal, E. (2017). Aspectos motivacionales para la práctica de la actividad física. Oratores Journal, (2), 41–56.
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This article presents the results of descriptive study entitled "Motivational aspects for which the population 15 and older physically active in the circuit of 3.5 km from Parque Omar Torrijos of Panama City" that aimed to identify the most significant reasons that lead a person to perform physical activity. The importance ofpopulation increase metabolic rate is definitely an indicator that provides information on the physical activity of a population, which together with adequate food, among other factors leading to a healthy life. The study based on the psychology ofphysical activity aims to investigate what those reasons to exercise. It analyzes the major theories of human motivation and select those that fit the preference explain both the continuity ofthe practice ofthese activities. They are selected groups ofthe population 15 and older in both sexes randomly retaining an approximate percentage of 50% of each sex. The results show that jogging is an activity that provides sufficient motivation and company subsidiaries and aspects we are so significant.



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