Revista Oratores - No. 2 - Diciembre de 2014


How to Cite
Mosquera Suárez, C. J. (2017). Change training and skills development professional teachers college professors chemistry. Oratores Journal, (2), 11–40.
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In this paper we develop theoretical arguments that account for the nature of conceptual, attitudinal and procedural teachers towards teaching, learning, curriculum and assessment, which are designed as educational changes. It assumes the teacher training model for educational change re contextualization treated as in knowledge, thoughts, feelings and actions supported the hypothesis of independence or of the implications ofknowledge in different contexts. It is definitely to consider science education for scientific and cultural emancipation in the context of research in the classroom to support teachers and students in diverse perspectives on our explanations of the world (natural and social).
This involves recognizing our own forms of knowledge production and those of other cultures.



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