

How to Cite
Sanabria Yaruro, D. A., & Torres López, A. del V. (2023). Origin of criticality, critical reading and basic thinking processes in natural sciences. Oratores Journal, (18), 113–132. https://doi.org/10.37594/oratores.n18.840
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Criticality as a product of the evolution of man, can have its origin and development in three fundamental milestones; the first in Thales of Miletus, who promoted the change of the mythological evocation to the use of reason, the second led by Socrates with the development of maieutics and, the third the Frankfurt School, which consolidated the bases of critical theory and transversalized them to various disciplines. The natural sciences, due to their development and objectivity, demand the promotion of critical reading in students, with the purpose of enhancing the capacity for decision, transformation and generalization of natural processes. This essay is carried out through a bibliographic review with a hermeneutic approach and has two purposes: the first is to describe the foundations of criticality and the second is to indicate the basis for consolidating the teaching and learning of critical reading in the natural sciences. Finally, it is concluded that critical reading is a skill that is acquired as a function of the adequate development of basic thinking skills in a sequential manner, which also consolidate logical-deductive reasoning in scientific education; for this reason, it is necessary to strengthen them throughout schooling, so that the student can manage more easily in a globalized world.



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