

How to Cite
Montes Miranda, A., Morales Rodríguez , G. F. ., & Alarcón Lora , A. A. . (2023). Inferential reading and technological mediations in primary school in Colombia. Oratores Journal, (18), 12–26. https://doi.org/10.37594/oratores.n18.830
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The problems in reading comprehension are estimated as one of the influential factors in the problems of the quality of education in Colombia, in response to this problem, the results of the m-Learning research are presented in this article as a strategy for strengthening of the inferential level in reading comprehension in fifth grade students of an educational institution in the municipality of Cartago - Valle del Cauca, which was carried out with the objective of strengthening the inferential level in reading comprehension through the m-Learning strategy. For this research, the qualitative methodological approach was applied with a participatory action research approach, where 30 fifth grade students participated. The results showed that the inferential reading level was strengthened from a low level with 36% to 0%, from the basic level from 7% to 3%, from a high level from 17% to 37% and from an initial higher level of 7% to one of 60% respectively. Therefore, it is concluded that innovation mediated by M-learning allows strengthening reading processes at the inferential level.



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