Revista Oratores - No. 4 - Junio - Noviembre de 2016


How to Cite
Rondón Meza, M. (2017). Learning communities as an area of transformation of educational activities. Oratores Journal, (4), 34–45.
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This article aims to propose strategies to promote the exchange of experiences and best practices of classroom teachers in basic education, supported learning communities. For this case we sustain the theoretical postulates of Habermas (1987), Elboj (2004), Arrow (2009), among others. The study is based epistemologically on the paradigm of critical social research. To guide and build it came to action research as a reference methodology. The research was conducted based on primary categories and setting them semistructured interview ten (10) school teachers of the Carmen (Cesar - Colombia) was developed. In the study triangulation between theoretical framework, teachers or key informants and the researcher, just as the field diary and observation was used to supplement the arguments of the results it was performed. The main theoretical references were learning communities, communicative action, teaching activities, dialogic learning, collaborative learning, and conceptions of teaching mathematics. In the findings of information it was seen as a learning community can transform the action of teaching math interactive, dialogic and participatory manner promoting educational changes and encouraging the culture of participation and strategic alliances environment to improve the quality of the education



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