

How to Cite
Ibargüen Mena, H., & Córdoba Mendoza, P. A. (2022). New educational horizons: Paradigm, essence and methods. Oratores Journal, (16), 86–107. https://doi.org/10.37594/oratores.n16.690
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The objective of the work was framed in identifying the appearance of a new paradigm in education evidenced, from the analysis of the specialized literature on the subject. To achieve this, a bibliographic search was carried out in various databases, academic Google, the CLACSO virtual library, the ADIDA-COMFENALCO concerted library, in the latter, documentary material was reviewed from the archive of the ADIDA Educational Studies and Research Center and given the volume of information found required a categorization and prioritization according to key descriptors. As part of the findings, it was possible to determine that, in education from the macro perspective, two paradigms have prevailed at different times, first, the search for the essence or -what we educate for, including here the role of the student, the teacher, of social order, etc., - second, the educational paradigm of modernity or the question of the method and its adaptation in pedagogical practice through homogeneous rules to measure knowledge. Currently, Latin American scientific production hints at a crisis in education and the emergence of a new search for essence, where elements of the educational, cultural, geographical context and knowledge that have been marginalized until now are considered, as a basis for the construction of new educational horizons.



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