

How to Cite
Bastidas Zambrano , L. I., Mazacón Cervantes, C. J., Ruiz Parrales, E. C., & Onofre Zapata, R. F. (2022). Digital transformation and entrepreneurship. Oratores Journal, (16), 48–65. https://doi.org/10.37594/oratores.n16.688
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This research includes the review of the existing literature that is related to the study variables that are Digital Transformation and Entrepreneurship with the aim of providing a contribution to the knowledge of these fields and their relationship, as well as the opportunities of participation of one in the improvements of the other. To do this, a review of the current literature has been carried out based on the systematic application of the prism methodology to find the points where both variables can coincide and determine the importance of the incidence of one on the other. In this development, a series of opportunities can be observed in which entrepreneurs can meet the need resulting from the digital transformation process, aimed at guiding the company in the fourth industrial revolution by proposing alternatives for participation in the value creation sector, recruitment of the value or delivery of value. In this sense, it was possible to observe how entrepreneurship can develop, either within the company to meet this need for transformation, outside the company, to offer solutions that bring that transformation closer and frame them in the new digital thinking and even, to transform and accelerate the entrepreneurship itself in the face of this new technological stage.



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