

How to Cite
Rincón González, S., & Mujica Chirinos, N. (2022). The investigative competences in teachers of private universities in Panama. Oratores Journal, (16), 25–47. https://doi.org/10.37594/oratores.n16.687
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The objective of this research is to analyze the investigative competences in teachers of Private Universities of Panama. A theoretical study was carried out on the concept of investigative competence, which served as a guiding framework for collecting the information. The research was descriptive, not experimental, with a field and transectional design. A questionnaire-type instrument was applied to a convenience sample of the teachers. The information was analyzed through descriptive statistics, obtaining the following results: In relation to the competencies of know-how, teachers have high and good levels in the search for information and show skills in the methodological domain of the research process, but there is difficulty with the execution of qualitative methodological designs. In the skills of knowing how to transfer, a domain of the communication of oral and written results is observed. The results of the competencies of knowing how to be indicate that teachers value the ethical principles of scientific research and assume the commitment to carry out and publish original unpublished research and intellectual products in a timely manner. The competences of knowing how to live have not been developed by teachers, specifically in the Training of Researchers. They do not participate as arbitrators in scientific journals, they do not advise undergraduate work and the percentage that they participate as a member of the jury is low. Nor have they developed competencies related to teamwork. As conclusions, teachers at private universities in Panama must develop skills related to knowing how to live together.



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