

How to Cite
Ríos Forero, S. A., & García Arango, D. A. (2022). Didactic mediation of GeoGebra software in the concept of perimeter: Case study. Oratores Journal, (15), 45–57. https://doi.org/10.37594/oratores.n15.501
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This research arises from the low results of saber 2017 tests, in the area of mathematics in grades 3 and 5, as well as the identification of low use of ICT-based teaching resources. The objective of the research was to analyze the level of didactic mediation of GeoGebra tool in the conceptualization of perimeter in fifth-grade students of an Educational Institution in Colombia. At a methodological level, a mixed research approach with an experimental design was considered where it was started from the conformation of two groups: an experimental group and a control group with two phases: a longitudinal one, taking data before and after the mediation intervention; another cross-sectional in this matter, two groups called control group and experimental group are both analyzed. As instruments or research materials, a first measurement or pre-test was taken based on questionnaires for the diagnostic evaluation of geometry and a questionnaire for motivational evaluation of the learning process. Later, this questionnaire has been taken in account the experimental group using ICT, specifically considering the use of the GeoGebra tool. With the control group, the development of the themes is carried out in a conventional way (pencil, notebook, ruler) applying the same work guide. The perimeter conceptualization was approached using similar conditions and with Google Meet platform, finally applying a post-test; With this information, the analysis of the variations in the level of understanding of the concept of perimeter was carried out. As a result, significant levels of advancement of the experimental group were identified in comparison with the data obtained for students of the control group. The research concludes a significant level of progress in the students of the experimental group, thus verifying the importance of the mediation of the GeoGebra tool in teaching the concept.



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