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This research was carried out in the department of Córdoba-Colombia. It was sought to identify which are the pedagogical elements of the educational curriculum in the rural area of Cordoba, Colombia, which could contribute to the construction of a culture focused on peace from the education that is taught. The municipality of Tierralta was taken as a case study, given its strategic location in the country's conflict zone during the armed conflict that hit several municipalities in Colombia, including Tierralta. The rural area of Tierralta was affected by violence, today, after the peace process, in the post-conflict, education must repair or, at least contribute to the healing of the consequences of violence in the contexts of educational institutions. For this, it is necessary that the curriculum contain pedagogical elements that help this process. It was found through a group interview, a semi-structured interview with the managers of Tierralta-rural zone, a case study and a documentary analysis, that there are not enough elements in the curriculum for this purpose, and that first of all it has been Added a host of concepts and thematic contents that only serve as history but do not permeate the social fabric of educational institutions. A non-thematic transversal axis is proposed to help the curriculum of the rural area of Tierralta to build a culture of peace in the post-conflict from the education that is imparted.
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