Revista ORATORES 13


How to Cite
Peralta Moreno, M. A. (2020). Training, updating and professional advancement in modern mathematics for teachers of the primary stage of general basic education. Oratores Journal, (13), 27–50.
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This research focuses on describing teachers’ conceptions of the teaching and learning of modern mathematics. More specifically, it looks at teachers’ training in mathematics, as well as their knowledge of the different areas they are expected to teach according to the math program of the Ministry of Education. Based on analysis performed on diagnostic data, a proposal of professional development for math teachers working in grades first through sixth was presented. Implementation of this proposal was conducted in several schools in the Betania area in the district of Panama. Eight math teachers participated in a qualitative study that used the hermeneutic interpretation approach. Data was collected by means of interviews, observations and document analysis. The results of the study show that teachers’ knowledge of mathematics is limited to basic natural number operations. This may be due to teachers’ prevalent view of classical mathematics and their academic background in education school. Teachers used a limited repertoire of strategies and techniques to teach modern mathematics. This is partly due to teachers’ own education as well as the content of the revised national curriculum of mathematics which is not fully mastered by teachers working in primary schools. As a result of this diagnostics, a professional development program which focuses on modern mathematics as it appears in the Ministry of Education’s new curriculum aimed at elementary school math teachers was designed, implemented and evaluated.



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