Revista ORATORES 12


How to Cite
Blanco, C. E. (2020). The public universities in venezuela: a current synthesis. Oratores Journal, (12), 79–100.
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This essay is an investigative attempt whose essential purpose is to explore critically an aspect of reality in order to approach a particular social phenomenon such as the Venezuelan public university as a complex institution. It is a critical evaluation of previous research related to that institution for a particular geographic context. The essay seeks to contribute to the state of knowledge of its object of study by identifying relationships, contradictions or inconsistencies, as well as proposing possible solutions. That said, universities can be considered among the most important institutions in Latin America. Aspects of the way these institutions have been conducted include various critical nodes of interest worth-analyzing. A research problem in this regard has been the relative scarcity of integrative, comprehensive and recent references about universities in Venezuela. This investigation had as its central objective to compile, analyze and critically integrate various salient aspects of the Venezuelan universities in recent times. By means of relevant sources some important features and phenomena of these institutions in this country were approached, with an emphasis on the management that they have had both contemporarily and also currently. The analysis shows that Venezuelan universities have had in general a historical development similar to their critical Latin American counterparts. However, Venezuela’s universities are currently characterized by going through a period of very serious and unprecedented difficulties.



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