Revista ORATORES 10


How to Cite
Moncada Tarazona, J. A. (2020). Origin and development of the theory of knowledge. Oratores Journal, (10), 69–83.
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To start with the approach to this topic, it is necessary to contextualize the reader in order to guide it towards a more dynamic process of understanding, for this reason, as a first moment, the concept of philosophy will be landed to consolidate strong theoretical-cognitive bases from There it will progress in complexity to the point of providing some necessary and relevant tools to carry out an exegesis process about Genesis and the development of the theory of knowledge. Afterwards, the origin of knowledge will be analyzed starting with a historical journey from the origin of the first human beings, next, through classical Greece, and meeting the naturalist philosophers, the pre-Socratic philosophers, and the 3 great universal Greek philosophers (Socrates, Plato and Aristotle). Then, the development of philosophy in the Middle Ages will be known, given by a cultural fusion that led to social and philosophical transformations typical of the conditions that were faced and that generally revolved around the Theocentric conception. Moving forward chronologically, the modern age or epoch of discovery will be addressed, where philosophical movements that go against the immediately previous period arise and where a new trend towards reason is privileged. Finally, the contemporary era is approached as a moment of scientific boom that brings with it a social crisis and global tension, a product of the consequences of unbridled development, which for some does not represent progress for humanity.



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