Revista ORATORES 9


How to Cite
Solis, O. (2019). Study for the establishment of a plant of recovery and treatment of solid urban waste in the Municipality of Chitré, Province of Herrera, Republic of Panama. Oratores Journal, (9), 82–93.
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Most cities in the world, face problems with their municipal landfills, related to poor management, caused pollution of natural resources. In the Republic of Panama, landfills are having harmful effects on communities and the environment; presenting an inadequate management of garbage, which must be improved, urgently. In the city of Chitré, the landfill causes environmental impacts, and risks to the health of people, so it is urgent to look for alternatives that ensure mitigate the effects it produces on the nature and the inhabitants of the District of Chitré. The general objective of the research is to establish a plant for recovery and treatment of urban solid waste, in order to prevent and reduce pollution in the city of Chitré. The methodology included a survey, through a questionnaire, applied to a neighborhood of the city of Chitré, with the purpose of obtaining information on the need to establish a recovery and treatment plant for solid urban waste in the landfill of the municipality of Chitré . Some conclusions are the following: a large part of the population of the municipality of Chitré, are aware of the problems that the landfill represents for the community and the environment; the total of the surveyed inhabitants consider indispensable, the recycling of urban solid waste; the great majority of the surveyed inhabitants agree with the installation of a plant for the recovery and treatment of urban solid waste, in the municipality of Chitré. The recommendations were the following: it is essential to establish an environmental education plan, related to urban solid waste, in the city of Chitré; Some management options for the landfill in the municipality of Chitré may include: a recovery and treatment plant for urban solid waste; or initiate the corresponding studies to find a suitable site for their transfer; or environmental education and recycling campaigns, in schools and the community.



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