Revista ORATORES 9


How to Cite
Aguirre Salazar, O. P. (2019). From the conflict to the post-acoord: An educational process. Oratores Journal, (9), 70–81.
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This academic essay addresses the construction of citizenship as the axis to consolidate a culture of peace, based on the premise that to transform the roots of violence, the transformation of new generations is essential, with pedagogical proposals that are validated in contexts and areas, as democratic, ethical and responsible exercises. The article initially adduces the political tensions that are in the current phase of the implementation of the peace accords, among the forces that have in suspense a possible reconciliation. It highlights the importance of school processes for children and young people as part of the transformative strategy, where one of the components that must be incorporated into the school curriculum is the strengthening of socio-political education. First, knowing the recent history, and second, admitting that public values would change the obtuse logics of the exclusive Colombian democracy that gave rise to the armed confrontation. The importance of the educative actions that are undertaken so that the culture for peace is installed in the school, is in function of creating the conditions to overcome the gaps that from the educational legislation can find and consequently can be transmitted to the society.



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