Revista ORATORES 9


How to Cite
Muñoz Ortiz, C. A. (2019). Situational analysis of the school coexistence manuals in the district educational institutions of San Cristóbal De Bogotá D.C. Oratores Journal, (9), 10–33.
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The objective of this document is to show the progress of the research project under the qualitative approach entitled, “Situational analysis of the manuals of school coexistence in the district educational institutions of the fourth locality of Bogota, for the construction of democracy from the strengthening of values in educational institutions “with the authorship of Cornelio Muñoz. It begins with some concepts and contributions on school coexistence and school climate, taken from different authors to reflect on what is meant by school coexistence. Then a description is given of the current situation of school coexistence in some official educational institutions of said Locality and objects of study, to give a look at the reality in which the educational community lives and to realize the dangers to which they are exposed students, a series of contributions made by characters that have contributed to the development of a healthy coexistence to achieve a comprehensive and quality education. Finally, a proposal is made to review and adjust the manuals of coexistence, according to the current context and norms, strengthening the values for a democratic participation, improving school coexistence and contributing to a quality education.



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