

How to Cite
Gómez Navarro, P. R. (2018). Educational decolonization against the western euro-central thought. Oratores Journal, (8), 64–73. https://doi.org/10.37594/oratores.n8.220
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The present essay is a reflection on educational decolonization against Eurocentric thought present even in our current educational scenario. In him the different speeches and ideas that outline the main thinkers of the decolonization are analyzed. In this sense, it is proposed to study from a documentary methodology, the ideas of authors such as: Freire (2002), Santos (2010), Fernández (2011), Mejías (2010), Walsh (2014), Solano (2014), Fannon (2014), among others. Such proposals have the purpose of understanding the discursive positions of these authors aimed at breaking the mental chains that bind the formal educational institution to neocolonial practices and proposing a new liberating educational model based on the emancipatory and historicist vision circumscribed in a critical pedagogy of resistance against the dominant ideology of the oppressive system.



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