

How to Cite
Ferrer Planchart, S., & Caridad Ferrer, E. E. (2017). Constructive thinking under the vision of emotional intelligence in university students. Oratores Journal, (7), 28–41. https://doi.org/10.37594/oratores.n7.203
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The main objective of this paper is to determine constructive thinking under the vision of emotional intelligence among the University of Zulia sophomore students. It is theoretically based on the approaches of Epstein (1998), Mayer and Salovey, (1990), Garaigordobil and Onederra (2010). Bisquerra (2011) Contreras, Chavez, and Velasquez (2014). The methodology was developed from a positivist approach, the type of research is descriptive. The population was composed of sophomore students at the University of Zulia, Cabimas campus. Survey was used as technique for data collection, and as for instrument, a questionnaire on Constructive Thinking, designed by Epstein in 1987 that presents an Alpha Combrach reliability of 0,8333 which in turn indicates its reliability to be used in this study. The results showed that sophomores students have a medium presence as for Constructive Thinking, it is important to highlight that in the first two scales on emotivity and efficiency showed higher mean which indicates that they accept themselves and others, they also act with determination in manageable situations and with low anxiety in less manageable situations. However, as for scales of rigid thinking, a medium presence was obtained and a higher presence related with naïve thinking which indicates certain unadaptive and reactive thinking with basic believes that determine a manner of behaving on prejudice and intolerance, as well as the perception of a more simple life.



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