

How to Cite
Sánchez, M., Árraga, M., & Pirela, L. (2017). Emotional intelligence. The effects of a psychological intervention program on the academic achievement of students of the school of education. Oratores Journal, (6), 42–57. https://doi.org/10.37594/oratores.n6.144
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This investigation studied the effects of a psychological intervention program based on emotional intelligence on the academic achievement of students of the School of Education, minoring in chemistry, when making comparisons before and after the administration of said program. Information was collected on the academic performance of the grades in a written evaluation carried out by the students, in the subject Introduction to Psychology and Human Development. A program related to emotional intelligence was designed, from the perspective of the creators of the term, Salovey and Mayer (1990), which lasted 16 hours. Subsequently another written evaluation was carried out and the students’ grades were recorded. We used a quantitative approach, explanatory level, field method, with an experimental design. The population was composed of 23 students, of whom 8 did not make an appearance in class, so we worked with 15 students of the common subject for students of the various mentions of the career Education. 10 female and 5 male, aged between 16 and 22, members of the only section of the subject in the three shifts, of the chemical minor. Descriptive statistics were applied for the scores obtained before and after applying the program and Student’s t-test to determine whether there were any significant differences. It was evidenced that the average for the group before applying the program was 16.20, the median 17, with a standard deviation of 4,46, and after applying it the average was 18.92, the median 19, with a deviation of 1,38, t-value of -2,11 and probability 0,045, lower than the significance level of 0.05, indicating that the scores increased significantly after the application of the program.



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