

How to Cite
Peñalba Ríos, L. G. (2024). The penalty for the crime of aggravated fraud in criminal proceedings. Oratores Journal, 1(20), 49–64. https://doi.org/10.37594/oratores.n20.1346
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The current investigation focuses on analyzing the aggravating circumstances that cause the commission of the crime of aggravated fraud that lead to the sentence imposed in the new criminal process, that is, based on the intelligence investigation process, and shows to what extent the crime of aggravated fraud in criminal law, to determine whether the occurrence of two or more aggravating circumstances that cause the commission of the crime of aggravated fraud really leads to the maximum penalty for this crime. Scientifically, norms are effective when they are based on explanations that provide theoretical bases for the approaches of the general theory of crime, and the functionalist theory, when they best modify crime and contribute to fair coexistence. To do this, they must adapt to the circumstances, elements and mitigating factors that are precisely based on legislative technology. An attempt is made to answer the questions through a quantitative methodology with a descriptive and non-experimental design, which allows the application of a structured survey that is applied to specific officials who handle complaints, generally citizens who have experience in filing complaints before. the courts of aggravated fraud. From this it is concluded that when analyzing the aggravating circumstances that cause the commission of the crime of aggravated fraud that led to the penalty imposed in the new criminal process, it is concluded that there are four aggravating circumstances, which according to the data obtained are described in article 221 of the Penal Code, and that clearly describes what leads to the designation of the crime of aggravated fraud.



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