

How to Cite
Benavides Hernández, I. A., Williams B., L., & Carrasquilla, G. (2017). The grieving process within the family nucleus due to the death of an infant. Oratores Journal, (6), 21–29. https://doi.org/10.37594/oratores.n6.131
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This essay presents a clear form of everything that happens within the family nucleus when the life of an Infant is lost and describes the difficult moments that the family goes through. The investigation of mourning in this context is a key piece to understand that losing a child is possible one of the greatest pain that life can give and that at the same time this process becomes one of the longest and difficult to understand and overcome.

This research describes, each stage of mourning, each feeling, every moment that the members of a family live, step by step. It is also indicated that mourning are handled within a family nucleus with the same process but with different feelings, since according to the studies performed, the mother may feel more pain with the loss of a child than the father; this is because the mother is the one who has a stronger connection with her son; ties created from the maternal womb.

It defines and describes the stages of: denial, anger, negotiation, depression and acceptance managed within a family that fights against the pain of the loss of a loved one, who are waited with love and that by circumstances of the life, became lost. It is also known that these processes of mourning have to be very well managed, because they can cause in the family a very strong emotional unrest that in times can reach the rupture of the family nucleus, because it is possible to lose the communication during the process of the mourning, situation that can culminate with the family disintegration. Finally, after studying the stages, the family faces the reality that life continues...



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