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The disruptive action of APPS Advertising set a precedent in Social Communication that made many advertisers and the advertising industry consider it as a platform that would give a lot of profitability. Similarly, over the years, there were authors who were interested in developing research related to the topic of APPS Advertising. As well as them, we wanted to observe briefly as an object of study because the following question arose: what is the overview that can be observed about the research contributions on APPS Advertising? The purpose of the manuscript presented was to show a brief overview of the research contributions on APPS Advertising. For this purpose, the methodology considered was qualitative in nature. Under this parameter, the study was descriptive and the technique applied consisted in the documentary review, the route to follow was given by the Hermeneutic Method. The findings obtained show that the research contributions in the context of APPS Advertising determine that it is necessary the production of new theoretical constructs that may be focused on concrete aspects, as well as regulations or in which it is observed as a form of audiovisual contamination. Therefore, it was concluded that, despite the fact that there are research contributions in the context of APPS Advertising, new theoretical constructs are needed as a result of the research work from Social Communication.
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