

How to Cite
Arrieta Ramos, A. A., & Acosta Ramírez, A. M. (2023). Implementation of competences in curricular development. Oratores Journal, (19), 174–187. https://doi.org/10.37594/oratores.n19.1213
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In this study, competencies are addressed as they are one of the predominant tools to develop disciplinary knowledge with students in the classroom. Well, current societies promoted by international bodies assume that competencies must be implemented in all contexts where humans become participants in carrying out a certain task. One of the scenarios where a marked emphasis must be placed on the empowerment of these reflective strategies is in the spaces where individuals are trained (in educational establishments) and then placed at the service of humanity; given that the skills contribute in a pleasant way to the acquisition of scientific knowledge, to the implementation of human values, to the performance of work in the productive sector in a safe and sustainable manner. Now, to prepare this work, a search and qualitative analysis of the literature consulted was carried out, which made a great contribution of theories on the repercussions of the use of competencies in curricular design and execution. The essay is then structured as shown below in three steps: introduction, development and conclusion. In the first, the objective of the work is described and indications are given about the fields where the skills should be applied; in the second, the scientific evidence that supports the study is captured and analyzed; and in the last one, the final considerations that arise from the analysis of the previous stage are related.



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