

How to Cite
Barco Carrillo, A. (2023). Contemporary curricular trends in mathematical education. Oratores Journal, (19), 85–99. https://doi.org/10.37594/oratores.n19.1206
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Curriculum guidelines for teaching mathematics promote meaningful learning in children by emphasizing a deep understanding of mathematical concepts. The objective was to determine how contemporary curricular trends are applied in mathematics education in primary and secondary schools. The methodology was based on the mixed approach to analyze information from the application of surveys and from the review of the recent literature on the subject. For the survey, a sample of 16 mathematics teachers from an educational institution in the city of Cúcuta, Colombia, was taken, which was complemented by a review of recent literature in different databases such as Scielo, Dialnet and Google Scholar. The results described the curricular guidelines of the Ministry of Education for the teaching of mathematics in Colombia, which is based on the integration of the axes of processes, basic knowledge and context. Next, the way in which teachers apply the curricular guidelines in the area of mathematics was established, which was compared with the literature consulted, which showed coherence with current trends due to the lack of contextualization and integration of cultural and social aspects of students.



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