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School coexistence has received increasing interest from educational contexts where the different promotion and preventive actions that have been carried out at schools are not enough. For that reason, the difficulties in dealing properly with conflicts at educational institutions have become a big problem, since the different forms of violence have been accepted and normalized in the diverse contexts where children and adolescents are immersed. These factors affect not only the school environment but also the teaching and learning processes. Hence the analysis of school coexistence from otherness and diversity supplies tools for its comprehension in a scenario where the different ways of feeling, thinking, and acting come together and whose main focus is the integral formation.
In this way, this article presents the results of a research process developed under the qualitative method at Luis Camacho Rueda School in San Gil Colombia. The findings show a big break between knowing and doing since students know the characteristics of the school coexistence but their actions are far from those qualities when relating to others.
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