

How to Cite
Pineda Sánchez, A. (2023). Relevance and management of educational programs for high abilities in private schools in Don Bosco, Panama. Oratores Journal, (19), 100–113. https://doi.org/10.37594/oratores.n19.1200
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Forty-two teachers belonging to two private educational centers located within the corregimiento of Don Bosco, in the southeastern metropolitan part of Panama City, were studied. The objective of this study was to insight into the existing training programs in the educational institutions investigated. In addition, they reveal the knowledge that teachers have about the high capacities of students. In both schools, questionnaires were used as help, and after the application of the tool, a talk was given to confirm the information and give suggestions. It is an exploratory and descriptive research, not experimental with a single application. During the development of the analysis and as a main result, the teachers' lack of awareness in needs that the capable student can express in the classroom was manifested. 93% of the population indicated that they had not undergone any training regarding the advanced abilities of students. For this reason, through this study, it seeks to create a strengthening program for teachers so that they expand their knowledge of the high intellectual capacities and proper management of their students.



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