Revista ORATORES 12


How to Cite
Carvajal Sánchez, B. C. (2020). Cultural positioning and cultural identity as principles of a content-based education in the class of english as a foreign language. Oratores Journal, (12), 11–27.
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This study shows how particular cultural knowledge is portrayed by Ninth grades at a public school in Floresta (Boyacá-Colombia) when developing a content-based instruction in EFL classes. The inquiry is a case study that aims to understand and describe participants’ culture following the qualitative research paradigm. Eighty students are the participants in the pedagogical intervention, in the English subject matter, but only five of them are the participants and data informers of the study because of a regularity parameter during the pedagogical intervention. The data were collected through participants’ journals and in-depth interview, the last one to analyze in-depth journals’ emerging themes. The pedagogical intervention consisted in the design of a curricular unit addressing the local culture artifacts as mediators to improve foreign language-learning skills. As a result of the data analysis process and interpretation of the participants’ voices two categories emerged (the first one, Knowing and understanding my culture and the second is My Cultural Heritage as Component of my Identity) that give account of the research question. The results show a participants’ positioning in front of being owners of culture and the responsibility to keep their cultural memory.



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