How to Cite
Aizpurúa, . M., Aizpurúa, M., Jacobo, M., Castillo, V., Rodríguez, N., & Acosta Adames, A. D. . (2021). Juvenile delinquency, a situation that threatens society. Revista Semilla Científica, (2), 379–392. Retrieved from
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In this article we talk about juvenile delinquency, our objective was to analyze if social factors influence young people so that they become criminals and cannot find a way out of this criminal world. We applied the use of a quantitative method when conducting a small sample to a group of young people to test our hypothesis, with a type of explanatory research. We knew the thinking and point of view of young people from 13 to 25 years of age, in the face of this great social phenomenon obtaining result of their opinions on the social factors that lead or force to commit crimes. We knew and talked about the existence of a lot of factors in the lives of these individuals either for any reason that negatively affect their entire environment, we look for ways to prevent and solve them, not only the family can be a fundamental part in prevention but also society and government.



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