

How to Cite
López Cruz, A. I., Rodríguez Hernández, S., Molinet González, L., Díaz Rodríguez, N. E., & González Méndez, A. (2024). Physiological variables in cardiovascular rehabilitation with resistance training in patients with ischemic heart disease. Saluta, (9), 37–48. https://doi.org/10.37594/saluta.v1i9.915
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Introduction: Resistance training recognized as an essential component in cardiac rehabilitation programs. Objective: to evaluate the behavior of physiological variables after the application of resistance training complementary to aerobic training in patients diagnosed with ischemic heart disease. Method: A quasi-experimental before-after study without a control group was carried out with the objective of evaluating the behavior of the physiological variables after the application of cardiovascular rehabilitation with supervised resistance training complementary to aerobic training in patients diagnosed with ischemic heart disease at the Gym of Ergometry and Cardiovascular Rehabilitation of the Cardiology Service of the Provincial General Universitario "Camilo Cienfuegos" Hospital of Sancti Spiritus. Results: The average age was 64 years and the male sex (84.62%). The main diagnosis was Acute Coronary Syndrome with ST elevation. Peak oxygen consumption increased to 22±1 ml/kg/min and METs to 8.5 (p=0.000). The blood pressure response was normal (maximum 210 mmHg) and the maximum heart rate reached was 122±54 beats per minute (p=0.00). The workload increased from 20.5±11 pounds to 38±18 pounds. No changes in physiological safety variables reported. Conclusions: The functional capacity of the patient was significantly increase according to peak oxygen consumption and according to METs, as well as the basal heart rate and muscle strength enhanced without changes in the safety variables.



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