

How to Cite
Márquez del Pozo, N., Vásquez Aragón, Ángel T., Veliz Mojena, J., Fundora Martín, N., & González Méndez, A. (2024). Intervention on knowledge of diabetic’s foot in the population diagnosed with diabetes. Saluta, (9), 10–21. https://doi.org/10.37594/saluta.v1i9.913
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Background: diabetic foot is a global health problem. Patients present injury and/or ulceration of the foot, induced by sustained hyperglycemia, with or without the existence of ischemia and previous traumatic trigger. Objective: to evaluate the level of knowledge about the Diabetic Foot and the importance of its prevention. Method: quantitative research of pre-experimental design with pre and post test, contextualized in the doctor's office and family nurse number 7 of the health area belonging to the Olivos outpatientclinic of the Sancti Spíritus Province, Cuba. To diagnose the initial level of knowledge of the sample about the Diabetic Foot, a group of questions used and validated by the Delphi method and a foot care questionnaire for diabetic patients were applied. Results: the most representative age group was 45 to 55 years old with 66 patients (52.8%), of which 37 (66.66%) were female and 29 (33.33%) were male. (36%) of the population surveyed before the intervention showed adequate levels of knowledge. Conclusions: the theoretical-methodological foundations that supported the research made it possible to delve into the criteria of different specialists on important conceptions about the Diabetic Foot in Diabetes Mellitus and the preparation of the family, as well as stimulating its prevention.



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